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A Free Guide to

Better Understand Unclaimed Tax Refunds

  • Use our free guide to learn more about the topic & gain insights quickly and clearly.
  • We offer a free, easy-to-understand guide that dives into more information, independently compiled from various sources.
  • We are a private company, not affiliated with any government agency. Our website is funded by ads and marketing partners, who may send offers to users who opt-in to share their information.
Better Understand <span>Unclaimed Tax Refunds</span>
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Easy access to the answers you need

Easy access to the answers you need

Countless Americans across the country miss out on benefits they’re entitled to, either because they weren’t aware or because they didn’t know where to start. That’s why we do what we do. You can browse our site for more information.

Here at, our goal is to be your bridge to benefits. We help those seeking to apply for assistance benefits by providing them with the information they need to: understand the requirements of the program, learn about the application process and seek to get the most out of their benefits.

What do we offer?

What do we offer?

Simplifying the Process
Simplifying the Process

Navigating programs or procedures can be challenging. Our free guide breaks down the process, making it easier to know how to access what you need.

Independent and Private
Independent and Private

As an independent company, we make it easier to understand complex programs and processes with clear, concise information.

Cost of Our Guide
Cost of Our Guide

Our guide costs you nothing. It's completely free.

Trusted Information Sources
Trusted Information Sources

We take time to research information and use official program resources to answer your most pressing questions.

Want to learn More?

Our FREE guide provides helpful information about how to apply for benefits

Learn About Career Prep Tools

Learn About Career Prep ToolsBecoming unemployed can be a stressful situation, fortunately the state offices give resources to assist with re-employment. In order to use any of the following services, individuals must have authorization to work in the United States. Job seekers should have all documentation showing they are authorized to work in the United States to ensure full access and benefits to EDD programs. About the Toolbox for Job Seekers One service offered is the Toolbox for Job Seekers. The toolbox has job search, training and career exploration tools..

Learn About Extra Nutrition Resources for Mothers and Children

Learn About Extra Nutrition Resources for Mothers and ChildrenIndividuals enrolled in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) often participate in other assistance programs like Medicaid. aims to promote healthy growth and development for mothers and children. Pregnant women receive several resources to prepare for the new baby and stay healthy during pregnancy. Enrollment in one aid program does not disqualify mothers and children from receiving benefits in other programs. SNAP benefits are extended to eligible low-income families and are available until the household no longer.

How to Get Health Insurance While Unemployed

How to Get Health Insurance While UnemployedIf you’re an unemployed resident, you may be more worried about paying your rent, utility bills, or car payments than health insurance. Many unemployed individuals work on searching for a full-time job while trying to stay out of debt, and remain unconcerned with something like health insurance.Keeping up with your finances when you’re unemployed can be difficult and complicated. However, having health insurance is a vital part of keeping you financially stable. If you or a family member unexpectedly gets sick or hurt, the.

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